Saturday, July 10, 2010

35th Annual Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show is Today

Don't we wish we were there? This is the largest outdoor quilt show in the world. The show started in 1975 when Jean Wells Keenan hung a dozen quilts outside her quilt shop, The Stitchin' Post in the town of Sisters, Oregon. The quilts were made by her students. Soon other quilters added their quilts to the display. Now they have 12,500 visitors who attend the show. They've raised over $50,000 for local charities since 2004. Wow! Visit their website at:


  1. SOMEDAY!! I have wanted to go in earnest, last year and this year. Friends and family have planned weddings for THE weekend. Hoping, hoping, hoping that NO ONE I know plans a wedding for that time NEXT July.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. Sisters is one of my favorite places in the world. I am stuck in the desert and miss it so much. Nice reminder.

  3. It's a wonderful show! I was lucky to be there in 2007. It should be on every quilter's bucket list!

  4. We are here and it is UNBELIEVABLE! It should be on every quilter's bucket list ;)

  5. I went last year for the first time and it was FABULOUS!! I even got to hear the quilters from Gees Bend singing gospel while they signed our books. I must learn how to upload a video to my blog so you all can hear it, too. Goosebumpy.

  6. I can only dream of going to such a venue but it sounds fantastic and who knows?!!! One of these days........

  7. I live just 3 1/2 hours west of Sisters and I have never been. Someday...

  8. I lived in Oregon one short year and wasn't able to attend the show but did get to visit Jean's shop. I always love their show poster.

  9. I WENT!!! it was great! Three friends and I took the bus, that was offered by Fabric Depot, along with about 100 other women (and one man too!), so nice not to drive! we had a great time and met a few other really nice women too! It was my first time there and I was totally amazed at how many quilts there were! Every shop had quilts up on the sides of their businesses! and inside them too! Hundreds of them in every size and color you could imagine!
    There was even a selvage quilt there ... only one tho, but it was really beautiful!
    Met several people from out of state too that came just for the show! Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and California!
    If judging by how tired I am today is any indication of how much fun I had yesterday then I must have had a really good time!
    One of my friends has been going almost every year since it began and has taken classes with some wonderful teachers.
    It was a amazing day full of color, fun and creativity ... so glad I got to go!

  10. Elsa and Quilting Diva,

    So glad that you got to go to the show! And thanks for the report. I'm thinking about going next year.

    Maybe we'll have a Selvage Blog breakfast in the morning before the show. Wouldn't that be a blast? We can wear little name tags that show a photo of our little thumbnail photo that we use with our comments. I like this idea.


  11. its hard to get there this time year... I sure wish I could though. many sweet quilters up that way I'd love to meet face to face

  12. I just got back today from my first ever quilt show and it was Sisters....... Incredible. I am was so overwhelmed but very excited.

  13. This too was my first year to go to the show. Did not know what to expect and it was over whelming. Signed up at the quilt store in Sutherlin for a bus trip up there. What a wonderful day!! We were to met the bus at 3:30 for the trip back home, but by 2:30 I was finished, done, couldn't go anymore, but wanted to keep going really bad. I just new that I'd not seen ALL the quilts. Now I know I didn't----I didn't see the selvage guilt! Would love to have a picture of that one!! The bus stopped in Eugene for dinner and then dropped us off at our exit on their way down the freeway and an end to a wonderful, exhausting, very warm day, and one that will be remembered.
