Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Asterisk Quilts Down Under

On July 3 some of our quilting sisters from Down Under got together to make Asterisk Quilts.
The members of Goldfield's Quilters who participated are: Margaret, Rachel, Brenda, Kay, Chris, Faye, Lorraine, Pattie, and Alison.

Margaret made the quilt shown at the top using 1800's reproduction fabrics, her favorite. Pattie made the quilt above, putting some big flowers right in the middle. Great idea.

Rachel made the quilt above using a pack of fat quarters. Don't these asterisks look like snowflakes? Alison made the quilt below for her grandson. Nice bright colors.

And here is the group. See more photos on their blog: www.goldfieldsquilters.wordpress.com.

You can click on the link in the sidebar to see how to make this surprisingly easy block. Feel free to use it for your group. Send photos to karen@onlinequiltmuseum.com.


  1. I just tried this block the other day and LOVE it!

  2. Love your astriks Karen!!! Your color combos knock my socks off... (luck me, I got to see them myself, today!)
    your fabulous lady! Love seeing everyones versions! The white ones are fun too!

  3. Hi Karen, we are thrilled to see our group's Asterisk blocks featured on your blog, thank you very much. We've only just started our blog and sharing with quilters globally is fantastic. We feel very inspired. One of our members has been making gorgeous things (pincushions, bags)from selvages for about a year.
    We'll post more pictures on our blog as the quilts grow.
    Thanks again for your comments and generosity with your knowledge.
    'til soon, Margaret and the Goldfields Quilters.

  4. Hi Karen, today I posted on our Blog Patty's finished Asterisk Quilt. She's first finished and used a Medallion setting. It looks great.
    Thanks again for the great blog with lots of good things to share.
