Saturday, July 3, 2010

Meet Erika from Austria

Erika from Austria made these lovely selvage pouches using a pattern from a Japanese book. She said they were a little tricky to make. Aren't they beautiful?
The taller selvage bag (above) was made from a "Tilda" pattern, and was easier to make than the rounded ones. See the zig-zag stitch she used to attach the selvages? Clever! You can read about these projects on Erika's blog:
She has a Translate button so you can read her blog in any language you like. :)

This is Erika's recently finished memory quilt. She used fabrics from clothing of many people, including her late mother. Very nice idea. There are some selvages in this quilt as well.


  1. Hi Karen! I love your blog! It is so unique and interesting.... I'm very glad I found it!!! Thanks, Beth

  2. Absolutely Ooooooo,beautiful---cottonreel

  3. I love the memory quilt. My grandma made a quilt of my mothers dresses from the 40's. Really cool just to look at the fabrics, but also has lots of sentiment.
