Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Times They Are A Changin'

Okay, this is the twenty-first century. What's different? Other than the fact that you are reading this on your own computer. I was browsing on Amanda Jean's blog today,, and I saw this photo in her tutorial. She says, "I wanted to save the selvages, so I cut them off first, then..." Well, okay!
When I started using selvages about 6 years ago, the only mention of selvages was something like this: "First, remove the selvages..." (As in "throw them away.") We thought they'd behave badly in a quilt. Nuh-uhh!
I like that logo between "Anna" and "Griffin" on the Windham Fabrics. I'd put that in a special spot. So pretty.


  1. Funny how much our tastes change through the years. Now we look at selvages to see if they are usable :-) I cannot even imagine how many yards of fabric we have thrown away because we thought the selvages were of no value. Thanks for enlightening all of us :-D

  2. I've thrown away tons of selvages over the years too. It sure would be nice to have them back. A selvage quilt would make a nice souvenir. Oh well, the new selvages are nicer.

    I also used to think that there was no point in having a personal computer. What do you need it for? Haha. Everything.

  3. Selvages. *sigh* They make me so (SEW) happy!

  4. I never would have thought of saving salvages and now I cry at the thought of how much I've thrown out. Not anymore.

  5. Hmmm....the selvages in this photo seem to be cut kinda skimpy....not as versatile or colorful as bigger chunks!
