Monday, August 23, 2010

Eileen's Optical Illusion Selvage Top

My sister Eileen Lovett of Rhode Island is having a selvage quilt challenge with her friend Nancy Poor. This is the start of Eileen's quilt, the center. This "box" is about 18" tall. She'll add a 4" or 6" piano key border of selvages. I'll show you a better photo when it's finished, but I couldn't wait 'till then to show you this.

I'll feature photos of both quilts in October when they're both finished. Okay?
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  1. I'm from Rhode Island, too! Love the selvages!

  2. That is a really neat selvage idea!Just when I think I've seen everything you can sew with selvages, someone comes up with something I never would have imagined.

  3. That looks fantastic. Those cubes are fun to make.

  4. fabulous quilters seem to run in your family! ;-) looks great!

  5. Creativity runs in your family. Kudos to you and to your sis!

  6. What a gorgeous and artistic top!! I can't wait to see the finished product. Also, Thank you for your kind words and support! I am so glad to have such talented ladies cheering me on!

  7. Wow! Your sister's selvage quilt center is fantastic! It looks absolutely perfect!

    I was at a quilt show yesterday, there was a selvage quilt there. I wish I had taken a camera. By the way, that quilt was made by a man.

  8. Nice, Nice, Nice, Nice! everything is Fantastic in your blog! Bless, Andrea

  9. Now THAT is too cool! I've been making these cubes on and off for a bit, but these really take the cake!!

    Jacqui in Canada
