Thursday, August 19, 2010

Molly is Famous!

Do you remember Molly? She's the daughter of my dear friend Sandi. I've known Sandi since she was born, 50-odd years ago;) I wrote about Molly's blog a while back: Lessons from Elephants. Well here's an update: she graduated from Simmons College and now she has a job at NASDAQ. She recently visited New York City and got to ring the closing bell at the NYSE. Pretty cool, don't you think? She's on the right in the photo above. Smart and pretty.


  1. Hey! I follow Lessons from Elephants. She hasn't blogged much lately. Too busy with that fabulous new job I guess. I never knew working on the NYSE made one a celeb.

  2. That is so cool!! Congrats to her on the graduation, the job, and everything else! Neat to be up there on the Jumbotron.

  3. I'm so proud of Molly!
    What an exciting experience!

  4. You are too sweet Karen! Thank you so much for the blog love. I'm far from famous, but it was a great experience and I am loving my new job!
