Thursday, August 12, 2010

Selvage Stash at Loft Creations

Stephanie of Loft Creations (blog) in Ohio has a nice neat selvage stash in a blue box (above). They're all ironed!

Mine hasn't looked this neat since about 2003. And it never will again, either. They're all jammed into 3 big boxes. And that's after making 20 selvage quilts! Where do they all come from?

Stephanie is thinking about making a spider web quilt for her daughter. I think that's a great choice!
Come back in 2 days to see an awesome spider web quilt. You'll love it.

Show us your in-progress photos, Stephanie! Have fun.


  1. Stephanie's box of salvages is just sooooo tiny. My are like yours. shuffed in a box. LOL

  2. Your all ahead of me, mine are just tossed in a big old wicker basket that I got at a garage sale for 25 cents.

  3. I hate it when the long ones (say, longer than 1/2 yard) get all tangled up when they're loose in a box or bag. So lately I've been rolling them around cardboard paper towel rolls. Keeps them nice and tidy, and wrinkle free!

  4. They certainly weren't this neat before I organized them! Looking forward to spiderweb quilt inspiration. I have several places bookmarked as favorites I keep referring to. Still deciding on background color.

  5. Ironed? Oh my, mine are a fright. They do seem to multiply in the drawer I have them in -
    Looking forward to seeing her project.
    Reminds me, I have to get back to mine. :)

  6. Oooo, I'm actually happy to see her neat little stacks of selvages. I was beginning to think I was a bit looney - I wind mine round and round my fingers so they are neat, 2" long flattened stacks, carefully placed all nicely in a large storage container. NOT that I'm neat in ANY other aspect of my life, but for some reason, my selvages are! :-)

  7. Wow. Mine are in, ah mostly out of a wicker basket.

  8. I completely appreciate this organization. Mine are categorized in ziplock bags.

  9. Actually, I would love to know how everybody handles their selvages.... I'm new to this phenomenon..... I already have a huge disorganized mess and I don't want to add to it saving selvages... My new protocol involves cutting off the selvage at usually 1.5" and then what do I do with them? I have to store them... I think I'd prefer to store them folded neatly.... please advise as to further organizational hints!

  10. LOL! Mine are in a wicker basket that I got at a yard sale. DH always rolls his eyes at my baskets, so I make sure I put them to good use...the basket has now overflowed to another larger basket. I don't like to have mine all organized in ziplock bags or containers because when you're trying to make something with them, I want them within easy access! My iron is right beside my sewing machine, so if I need to iron one, I do :-). That's my system and I'm sticking to it!!
