Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Selvage Winners Announced

Here are the two winners, chosen at random, who will receive a package of interesting selvages. Congratulations! I really wish I could send a nice package to all of you.

  1. Michelle from East Texas,

2. Pamela from somewhere on Earth,

This stunning photo was taken by Liz Nemmers and posted on flickr. She and I are members of the Fabulous Flowers Group.


  1. Thank you Karen, I'm super excited to be a winner! Oh, and I am from lovely Coos Bay, Oregon!

  2. Congats to Pamela and Michelle - I hope we get to see what they make! Thanks for the fun Karen.... Hugz

  3. Congratulations to the lucky winners. Beautiful flower photo. Rudebeckia (Black-Eyed Susan?) We had a sea of these along one side of our fence. Very happy flowers.

  4. Congratulations Pamela and Michelle!

  5. hooray for the winners, thanks for hosting such a nice give away Karen!

  6. Dear Karen, Yeeeeeehaaaa! I'm so thrilled, I can't tell you. I did send you an email, with address, but if you don't receive it, please let me know because my darn computer sent you directly to Spam. I think it's because I've been receiving a TON of those bogus foreign emails telling me I've won a bazillion dollars etc, etc. Thanks, Michele

  7. I just received your book. Thank you so much for having the give a way.
