Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Asterisk Quilt Wins Ribbon in the New York State Fair

Congratulations to the maker of this Asterisk Quilt and winner of a yellow ribbon at the New York State Fair! Linda Lasco's sister took this photo. Thanks Linda, for sharing it with us.
Using my new reading glasses and best Picassa forensic tools, it may say: "Lois Sayles-Woods" on the label. Very nice job!
(Let me know of you have more info about the maker. Thanks.)


  1. It looks like iron work. Very beautiful.

  2. Very nice! I still have plans to make one of these! It's such a great design.

  3. It's a beautiful quilt. I always liked the asterisk blocks, but hadn't thought about how they all go together so nicely. Great way to use stash fabrics.
