Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day

Today we take a break from our labors and say good-bye to summer. Sigh.
What are you up to today? Picnicing, quilting, catching-up?
I'll be watching auto races at Lime Rock with my husband and two sons.
I don't care about cars, but I love hanging out with the guys.
Happy Labor Day!
Above: "The Artist's Wife at the Sewing Machine," by Romanian painter Ignat Bednarik (1882-1963.)


  1. Beautiful painting. Happy Labor Day to you, too!

  2. I'm going to the gym and then home the rest of the day working on a quilt top (hopefully getting it done) and then pinning another for actual quilting!
    Have a great time with your guys!

  3. I worked, and now need to clean. This coming weekend Iwill be going to Salt Lake to watch the series fanalie of the ROLEX 24 hours, not because I care about car races either but some quality time with my dad...and to show my support for Team Seattle/Dempsey Racing and Seattle Children's Hospital

  4. I love the painting. How did you find it? The colors are so peaceful. My oldest son went on his mission to Romania so I automatically perked up when I read who it was by.
