Saturday, September 4, 2010

Iraqi Bundles of Love (by Oct. 1)

Quilters are putting together bundles of fabrics and thread to send to our soldiers who will give them to women in Iraq for making quilts and other things for their families. Visit the Iraqi Bundles of Love website to learn more. Leave a message and ask for the address if you'd like to send a bundle of love.

Matt, the soldier who is responsible for delivering the bundles to remote areas, has a mother, sisters, wife and daughter who are all quilters. So he knows how important these bundles are.

Here are some recipients with their bundles, a women's sewing co-op.


  1. It's great you are helping get the message of need out there.

  2. I would love to send a bundle of quilt love.
    Please send me some details.
    I'll go check the website now.

  3. What an inspiring idea! I'm going to see if I have any large solid pieces to send. It looks like they can use things that we may not necessarily use for quilts.
