Friday, September 17, 2010

Julie Silber's Amazing Antique Quilts

Here are some wonderful antique quilts from Julie Silber's blog. As you probably know, Julie is a quilt expert, curator of the Esprit Amish quilt collection and a buyer and seller of museum quality quilts. You will love the quilts on her blog.
Does the block style (above) look vaguely familiar? I've seen photos like this tile quilt before and I think that was somewhere in my subconscious when I made my raw-edge quilt recently. The antique quilt pictured is needleturn applique, not raw-edge. Also, these pieces are curvy, and mine are straight edged. The fabrics are different too, but the overall "feel" is similar. The heart adds a nice focal point. I wonder what the border looks like.

Julie suspects that the inspiration for this fantastic red and white quilt (above) was crocheted doilies. Have you ever seen a border like this? I love it. I bet all those little circles are stuffed.

Hey, red bird, put that flowerbud back!
Don't you hate it when applique birds mess with your quilt design?


  1. The first quilt reminds me of a tile quilt. The red/white beauty is amazing. Wow the intricate applique work definitely mimics the lacy detail of crochet. Thank you for Julie's blog link.

  2. I agree with Stephanie, the first one is definitely reminiscent of a tile quilt. The red one is just beautiful!!

  3. Thanks for the eye candy! The red and white is stunning.

  4. Hey, red bird, put that flowerbud back! Don't you hate it when applique birds mess with your quilt design? - LOL!! You crack me up!! I haven't told you lately how much I enjoy your blog. Thanks for all the postings!

  5. I love antique quilts. We're all in such a hurry to make our quilts these days, and we actually have WAY more time and conveniences that our foremothers had for quilting. It is incredible what they accomplished with scraps, candlelight, needle and thread!
