Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Fabric Line - Giveaway!

Sarah Fielke of Australia (former co-owner and co-author of Material Obsessions) has a brand new line of fabric that hasn't even been shown in Houston yet! It's called "From Little Things." Isn't it fresh and beautiful?

You can see more and enter the giveaway on her blog: The Last Piece. Good luck!
The photo below shows the packs that will be given away, one of each colorway. Five winners.


  1. Don't they look pretty all lined up!

  2. Love the fabric! I can so see it in some of the quilts I've designed.

  3. Thanks for letting us know about Sara's blog. I love her work, but didn't know of her blog.

  4. I haven't seen a peak at this new collection, so thanks for the preview! Love each colorway.
