Saturday, September 11, 2010

Quilters Remember September 11th

Have you visited the National Tribute Quilt at the American Folk Art Museum (Lincoln Square Branch) in New York City? To see close-up photos and read about this amazing quilt, visit the Online Quilt Museum Exhibit.
The man in the black coat and hat appeared just as I was photographing the quilt. I think his shilouette adds a somber note to the photo. The Empire guild meets tomorrow. I'm sure we'll have a quiet moment to reflect on this sad day.


  1. A lovely quilt to remember a very sad day! I like the photo with the man dressed in black - it also adds perspective to the size of the quilt.

  2. Just magnificent. The four ladies in PA certainly have created a wonderful memorial to those who gave all.

  3. A day that will never be forgotten. A very powerful quilt and the man is black was an appropriate happenstance.

  4. Wow! Thanks for sharing about this. I will have to stop in when I am traveling back there!

  5. Thanks fro sharing this incredible quilted memorial. I am sharing it with others today.

  6. Thank You for sharing this with us ! I´d love to se the quilt irl.

  7. Thank you for posting the picture of this amazing quilt. What a powerful and thought provoking experience it is to see such a beautiful tribute quilt. I'm very touched.
