Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Tour Starts Today - Follow it Here

C&T is coming out with a new book: The Practical Guide to Patchwork by Elizabeth Hartman, and they're sponsoring a Blog Tour which starts today and runs until Nov. 6. There will be lots of give-aways, interviews with the author, and some surprises. You can follow the whole thing right here by clicking on the Blog Tour link each day.

This book presents a relaxed intro to quilting for new and intermediate quilters. The quilts are fresh and modern. Click on the title above to see some of the quilts.

The first stop on the Blog Tour is Kristin Link's blog: Sew, Mama, Sew.


  1. Thanks for introducing the tour! It's like a vacation!

  2. I love block tours. They give you much inspiration !

  3. it's a great book too ... just got it the other day and I'm ready to start something!

  4. What a lovely idea.... looking forward to touring...

  5. Yay! Sounds fun, and the book looks amazing!! Can't wait to read all about it! :)


  6. I've already ordered the book and I can't wait for it to arrive! Will be following the blog tour! Thanks!
