Wednesday, October 6, 2010

DeeRoo's Embroidery

DeeRoo is a talented quilter/blogger from Virginia. If you visit the Old Red Barn Quilt Company group on flickr, you've seen lots of her creations. You'll also enjoy her blog. Isn't this embroidery charming? I like how the swing is swaying in the breeze, and who would think to embroider a white fence on a white background? But I really like it.


  1. Wow...thanks for the shout out...but I wasn't brave to do white on white...that fabric is a mint green!
    It was a very gloomy day when I took that photo and I wish I could find the drawing that inspired me to give her kudos too!!;)

  2. Gotta love DeeRoo, talented, and inspiring and just a great all round good egg!

  3. Love, love love, your house stitchery!! It is soooo cute!

  4. This is so appealing. Ah ha... mint green. Still, the white on the light is very effective.
