Friday, October 22, 2010

If I Only had a Brain - Hat

When my buddy Jill Bunis in New Jersey saw the Beard Hat post here a few days ago, she said "I see your beard hat, and raise it..." Is this hilarious, or what! :) Does anybody else think it should be gray? Or maybe I'm being too literal.

This hat was designed by Flint Knits. The pattern appears in the Sept/Oct issue of Crochet Today magazine. (This link goes to a pattern preview. The actual pattern appears only in the magazine.)


  1. I love this hat! I haven't seen this magazine in the UK - is it a US magazine??

  2. I saw something similar on the road once... a motorcyclist wearing a helmet that was painted to look like a cracked skull with brains coming out. Really disgusting. But the yarn version is cute.

  3. Yikes! I like the yarn version much better too.

    Yes, this is a US magazine.

  4. OMG I want one so bad!!! I work in the nursing field and would love to wear it to conferences!

    Tooo too cute!!!!!!

  5. Where can I buy one for Toronto Canada?
