Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meet Fashion Blogger Zoe Schlacter

"Everyday is a fashion show, and the world is your runway." Zoe Schlacter

I was visiting a Barnes & Noble in Tennessee when I spotted this very clever tote bag with the giant clock on it. I think it was almost 10am. (I couldn't help saying that.) So I struck up a conversation with this charming fashion blogger/student Zoe Schlacter. Being a blogger herself, she graciously let me take her photo to show you. Her blog is Girl With the Flower. Her post "Space Clouds" will make you smile.

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  1. Oh what a clever girl she is. I will have to visit her blog.

  2. Cute! I wonder how many people come up to her and ask what time it is?

  3. Thanks for the laugh this morning. My husband says he thinks it was closer to 9:30 when that happened!

  4. Oh what I would've done for that bag!
