Friday, November 5, 2010

Cutting Edge Japanese Selvage!

Today the Blog Tour stop is Kathy Mack's blog: Pink Chalk Studio. Look what I found when I went there. A Japanese selvage with the best color windows I've ever seen! All different animal shapes. Yayy, Kayo Horaguchi!


  1. Super cute selvage! Those windows are the best. Although I must say I'm not a fan of the little shaggy edge ... I only have a few selvages with that edge, but for now at least, I don't use them.

  2. What a funny selvage, do you collect those selvages, that are rarely to find? Please, have a look at my blog, where I've shown a photo of my heart for Myra, thanks, Martina

  3. I may have to buy some of this just for the edge. I like the fuzzy edge! Thanks for sharing it with us!
