Monday, December 6, 2010

Book Giveaway - Kool Kaleidoscope Quilts

I'm really excited about Ricky Tims' new book "Kool Kaleidoscope Quilts" published by C&T. First, he shows you the basic method summarized on two pages. Then each step is presented in detail. Basically, you sew fabric strips into strata, then cut triangles and kite shapes to create your big wedges. Take a look at the photos on the back cover, shown below.

Ricky has taught this method many times so the directions are clear as a bell. There are also many photos of inspirational quilts made by his students. He says he doesn't plan the quilt in advance; he just chooses fabrics he likes and lets the design develop. That's my kind of quilt! This looks like so much fun, and the quilts are gorgeous.

One thing though, this fellow chops up his selvages! What is he thinking? Somebody tell Ricky to trim off his selvages before cutting his fabric into strips, in case he wants to try selvage quilting. Some even have his own name on them! Haha.
If you get the chance to see Ricky's performance at a quilt show, don't miss it! It's wonderful.
Leave your comment to enter a random drawing for a copy of this fabulous book. As usual, you must live on Earth to qualify. Happy quilting!


  1. Being number one is the kiss of "loser," but thanks for your giveaway and for keeping us informed about the latest and greatest stuff. Feel free to stop by my blog and enter a bag pattern giveaway. Have a lovely Advent.

  2. #2! Wooo Hooo!
    What an awesome looking book - and I have just the spot for it!

  3. At the risk of being ostracized, I don't save my selvages either. *ducks piles of stuff thrown my way* I want to use every inch of the fabric, so I don't save them.

    HOWEVER, that quilt book looks awesome, so I'm entering the giveaway.

  4. That book looks awesome.
    I would love to win :-)

  5. This book looks great.... thanks for the chance to win it.... I would love it to come and live at my house to inspire me....

  6. WHAT? Ricky cuts into his selvages! So sad. But the book looks so wonderful. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  7. Oh, I would so love to make one of those quilts. Count me in!


  8. I can't believe he throws away all those selvages. He could save them and send them to me --I would even pay the postage! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  9. That looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Great book! Thanks for counting me in, Karen!

  11. This looks a great book - I'd love to win a copy!!
    Doesn't RT know how long it takes to build even a tiny selvedge stash???

  12. I watched his DVD about the method, it looked like fun. I'm a book learner, need the pictures and words to keep referring to. Love to have this book, if I'm not a winner I'll probably buy it in the next couple of months.

  13. I think strip piecing is the only way I'd attempt a kaleidoscope, so please enter me. thanks for the chance to win!

  14. The book looks interesting. Please put my name in the drawing.

  15. I'd love to be entered, too! Looks like an intricate quilt to make!

  16. This book looks great. This illustration shown looks like the real kaleidoscope I had when I was a kid.

  17. I've seen Ricky demonstrate this on The Quilt Show. Looks like fun. Kathie L in Allentown

  18. wow this looks complicated but from the pictures I would have never thought this is how he odes it. Thanks for sharing, I have never done anything by him before and now will start paying attention.

  19. I would love to be so lucky as to win a copy of this book. I have his Convergence book which I haven't tackled yet, but would love to add this book to my growing collection!

  20. Karen, thanks for your daily dose of inspiration, introduction to new techniques and new friends, bits of humor, and all around fun. I love reading your blog and I'd love to win Ricky's Kaleidescope book!

  21. Looks like a fun process and great new book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. What a wonderful giveaway! That book would look great and fit right into my sewing room.

  23. I live on Earth and would love a chance to win this fabulous book!

  24. I have seen some of his students' work and I think I need this book.

  25. I love kaleidoscopes and would love this book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. I love your inspirational blog and your humor makes me laugh right out loud! :)
    Thanks for the chance to win here on planet Earth.

  27. I know my chances are slim since I recently won a giveaway on your blog, but you never know...thanks for the chance!

  28. Oh Goody...I live on Earth so I guess I can be entered :-) YAY

    Letting a quilt "just happen" is my favourite way to design.
    This book looks terrific.

    Is there a 12 step program for those who chop up selvages? We have to get him some help!

  29. The quilt shown is AMAZING! I'd love to try this process for kaleidoscope quilts :-)

  30. Since I love his work, I would love to win the book!

  31. This book looks awesome! Please enter me to win (note that I live on earth!! That one is hilarious!!)

  32. This looks like fun -- like a jigsaw puzzle. Count me in.

  33. By am I glad that I live on Earth to be eligible for this giveaway. I'd love to win this book. It looks like a fun technique.

  34. I'd love to win Ricky's book - he is such a great teacher (as far as I can tell from watching him on The Quilt Show).
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  35. His new books looks wonderful. Would love to win a coopy-thanks for the opportunity.

  36. Love Ricky so put me in the draw. I haven't heard him talk in person but he is good on the quilt show programme. Lucky I live on Earth so I can enter!

  37. Looks great this new book of Ricky to give it a thankd for giving this opportunity

  38. i would love to get the book, your blog is on my daily web surfing routine! Love from Italy, Roberta

  39. I read your blog everyday... always so much inspiration here! I think this is the only book of Ricky's that I don't have. It would be a great addition to my library!

  40. phew! I live on Earth so I guess that includes me too! Ricky is such a lovely man, I was lucky enough to meet him a couple of years ago, and doesn't he make the most awesome quilts! I'd love to win a copy of his new book!

  41. Looks like a great book! Please enter me.


  42. i would also love to win ricky's book - i find his quilts just STUNNING!

  43. Yes, mre too please. Not only do I live on earth, but in the best little country in the world - New Zealand! Where is that, I hear some of you say!

  44. I would love to win Ricky's book. I attended one of his super seminars last spring and I can't say enough about how wonderful it was! If I got the opportunity to go again I wouldn't hesitate!

  45. This book sounds like lots of fun. Thanks for a chance to win.

  46. Thanks for this opportunity, Karen! I love Ricky Tims! He's a great teacher and I would LOVE to win this book!

  47. Thanks for having a giveaway.

    PS-my library has a copy of YOUR book! Yeah!

  48. Wow this looks like an amazing must have book! Thanks for a chance to win it.

  49. He was always fun to watch when he was a guest on Simply Quilts. Such a carefree, joyous attitude he has about quilting! His book would be great fun.

  50. If not too late, would love the book!!!

  51. What a neat book. I would certainly love to win it. If I don't I will just have to go buy it. It looks like fun.

  52. I would love to try this method. And I DO cut off my selvages. I have quite a stash. Just waiting for time to use them.

  53. Ricky's quilts are so wonderful. the book looks like fun. Thanks for entering me in the give-away.

  54. Oh, Ricky makes the most beautiful quilts! I've never tried any art quilts yet - tend to be a traditionalist more like Alex Anderson....I'd love to learn more about Ricky's style, and this book would be a great addition to my library!

  55. That looks like such a fun technique to try! I would love to win the book. And if not, I will be adding it to my Amazon wish list!

  56. What a great giveawa! What a great looking book. Keeping my fingers crossed...

  57. I love those patterns! I'm all about geometry and especially kaleidoscopes.

  58. Really enjoy seeing all the quilts and learning new things on your blogs. I'd LOVE to win the great quilting book! Thanks so much!

  59. I LUV these quilts! Thank you Ricky Tim! Susan

  60. This book looks wonderful. I just found your blog, and I'm eager to look around.


  61. My first visit to your blog and I'm getting another cup of coffee to drink while I look around. Looks very interesting. I would love to win the book you are giving away, but I'll settle for inspiration if I must. Thanks for sharing

  62. I would love to win this book. It looks amazing!!

  63. I would LOVE to win this book, these are so very wonderful designs. Thanks for the giveaway.

  64. Wonderful giveaway! And such quilt looks really impresive :)
    Best regards

  65. Love the look of the quilts in his new book. I will definitely have to check it out.

  66. that looks like such a fun book.

  67. I would love to win this for my mom, she loves quilting!

  68. This book looks awesome! I'd love to give it as a gift to my daughter-in-law who is an avid quilter.

  69. We all love Ricky!!! Thanks for the Giveaway.


  70. Very inspiring designs and colours! Looks like my kind of project! Thanks for the giveaway.

  71. Don't know if I am up to it, but would sure like to try

  72. By the number of entries, it shows just how much we enjoy Ricky. Love to win the book.

  73. I live on EARTH!! hope I win so I can give this to my Grandma :)
    She quilts for children with cancer.

  74. This technique looks like it would be SO much fun to play with! I hope I win!

  75. Oh wow, this book looks amazing. I cant wait to see it. Gotta have this one. I love Ricky Timm.

  76. I would like to use all of the fabric so show me how. Enter me in the give away. I need to learn a new trick.

  77. Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  78. How did I miss this? I am so in! Please pick me!

  79. hola me encanta el libro ojala se venga para Colombia. sino donde se consigue?

  80. I hope I'm not too late to enter. These look fabulous, and I collect kaliedoscopes!

  81. Please qualify me for the giveaway of this wonderful book! Here in Russia we are still rather short on information on the desiner's quilting!

  82. Love a chance to win a copy of the book. I've enjoyed his DVDs.
