Friday, December 3, 2010

Log Cabin Quilts With Depth

Here's a new quilt book that caught my eye: Folded Log Cabin Quilts by Sarah Kaufman from Bend, Oregon. She shows how to foundation-piece folded strips (arranged with the folded edge facing the center of the block) to make a log cabin block with depth. She doesn't use batting since the top already has 5 layers of fabric. Sarah says that folded log cabin quilts are better on the wall (or as pillow tops or table runners) than on the bed so they get less wear and tear. And stunning wall quilts they are! The excellent illustrations show some very creative uses of the courthouse steps, concentric squares, and traditional log cabin arrangements. I especially like her house quilts.

I'm thinking about using this method to make a quilt out of silk neckties. And you can easily apply Sarah's method to create pineappple blocks. This book gives you a method and lots of inspiring quilts so you can make the quilts in the book, or take off in your own direction with confidence. So if you live too far away from Oregon where Sarah teaches at the Stitchin' Post, take a look at this book.


  1. I just love making log cabins and this is a really cool alternative to try out. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh, that is fascinating! I have a huge box of neckties! You are quite a brilliant girl! I'll be watching for that book!

  3. My good friend Susan (of Bend, Oregon)just gave this book to me for my birthday in November. Susan took the workshop for making the log cabins and they even included Susan's quote about the class on the back of this book! Sarah, the author of the book uses all kinds of interesting things to hang the quilts on the wall too. Things like antique spindles, and farm equipment, and singletrees, which were once used to connect horses or oxen yokes. Made me start looking at possible things to use to hang my future quilts with, whether they are log cabin quilts or not.
