Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I don't really enjoy shopping (unless I'm in a fabric store). I'd rather be quilting. So when I shop, it's just a matter of finding the thing I need and getting out of there. But recently I decided to get a jump on my Christmas gift shopping, and that involves some browsing. Well, I'm finding lots of cool stuff! Stuff I "need." So in addition to gifts, I'm buying things for myself too. Yesterday I got a Cusinart 8-qt. stock pot. And a new case for my digital camera. And a sweater. Yikes!

When you shop for gifts, do you also buy stuff for yourself? Do you shop online or on foot? I do both.


  1. i try not to buy for myself often, but this year I've gone for it. After five or six years with my husband not buying anythign until the last moment and then getting things without thinking much (too rushed) I decided "Santa" would work with me this year!

  2. Absolutely I buy for myself! And I shop at stores. Where do you guys find all of these great images you post? I am so impressed!

  3. You are so funny, I adopt the exact same philosophy as you. In fact, I thought I was reading about me and shopping!!

  4. I hardly go shopping so yes, when I am out there and I see something that I MUST have.. why not?
    I only know that it will be months before I hit the malls again.

  5. I do both also, but it's like 1 for them 2 for me!

  6. I'm not much into going out shopping, really like to make my gifts to give. BUT, I do shop for my son and D-I-L as they have interesting taste and like the unusual (as do I). So, if I find something they might like, I'm usually in a store I like ... and you know how that goes ... plus my birthday is 2 days after Christmas, so I always get something for myself!

  7. I'm guilty of buying gifts for myself as well. Someone has to spoil me. I do enjoy shopping if I have the time. This year I have my Christmas shopping all done. Now I just have to wait patiently for a couple of items to arrive that I ordered online.

  8. I like to shop online and did almost 75% of my Christmas shopping online this year---a first for me! I have been pleased with everything I've gotten so far and yes, some of it is for me!!!!!

  9. I shop online and in stores. In fact, just yesterday my BFF and I spent the entire day--I'm talking left the house at 8:40 am and returned at 8:15 pm--shopping. OK< and driving the 45 minutes to our favorite mall. I think I bought as much stuff for me as I did for others. Seems like whenever I go shopping for something for me I can't find a thing!

  10. Of course, I always find things for myself when I go Christmas shopping. That is why I have to put it off til the last minute. Then I won't have time to buy too much for me. :) Now a days, it seems that I do most of my shopping online. That leaves much more time for quilting!

  11. Karen, great post! I don't need a thing...until I start shopping and see what's out there! Then, it's like one for them, one for me, one for them, one for me ;-) I shop online and in stores.

    P.S. Love the image...hope you don't mind but I may "borrow" it for my post tomorrow!

  12. I like to go a couple times a week and hit the bargain aisles. That way if I get lucky, I can get more gifts for half the price, and sometimes I see things, I might not have thought of. I do order online too, hate looking for good prices on certain items, so it is much easier to compare online.


  13. Love the picture you posted! Gosh, if I looked THAT good when shopping, I'd be on foot all the time!

  14. I'm with you on the shopping. I never shop for "fun".
    I also buy all year round for friends and family and store it.
    I always buy things for me. Since I don't shop much,I don't feel bad. Some things I let hubby wrap for me, some I enjoy immediately.
    Never understand why some women get mad at their husbands for not getting them what they want. how the heck does he know? I give him clear directives and I help him be my Christmas hero - a win win.

  15. I don't really enjoy shopping (unless I'm in a fabric store). I'd rather be quilting....wholesale sunglasses

  16. Very good shopping experience, I also bought a few Discount Luxury Sunglasses last month, the style is also very good.
