Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hiding the TV in Plain Sight?

Here's an idea from Apartment Therapy. Jason Loper in Chicago made this Test Pattern TV Cover because he wanted to "hide" the TV. Well, uh okay. (This is where my friends in the South would say "Bless his heart.") So Jason did a Google search for TV test patterns and came up with this design which he made using felt. He wanted the colors to be as authentic as possible and add some style to his home. There's a pocket on the back for the remote control and another one for NetFlix CD's. That's smart. Nice job, Jason.

Joan Jordan from Atlanta, Georgia sent me this link. Thanks, Joan.


  1. Clever and better than seeing a tv screen in the living room!

  2. OMG I remember the screen before 6 am when the stations would be off air time in the 70's. There would be those colors, and a recording of a voice: "Please adjust your set.
    Yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, and blue." LOL that's awesome. I need one.

  3. I remember waking up Saturday mornings and that was on the screen until the broadcasting day would begin. It was hard to be patient because Saturday Morning was cartoon morning! What a fun idea

  4. it's very clever!
    only, I've heard that using felt or any kind of wool isn't good for electronics. Am I wrong?

  5. Okay so you do remember when the TV stop programming at midnight with the national anthem and all that could be seen was this test pattern right? How many nights did I see that while babysitting for .50/hour?

    Ahhhh the good old days ;0)

    Happy sewing

  6. Fantastic idea!! I don't watch TV at all - so we only have a small portable television which sits in the lounge corner. Even though it's small I still hate to see it - so one of these covers would be perfect!

  7. That is a neat idea and fun to put your own touch to.
    We have a cabinet, so I keep mine hidden. I am still a one tv home, lol.


  8. hmmmm, there's a thought. we have a new flatscreen and I think it's too big too.... but maybe a QUILT cover on it would be OK.

  9. As for 2011, the idea is really brilliant. But since 2019, for a long time, people have been using TV covers. That also has a pocket for the remote control, but SD drives have long been no one uses. I think if someone will tell it to me from the future, I was shocked...
