Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Belinda's Selvage Purse

Belinda of Sydney, Australia created this selvage coin purse and she's offering it for sale for $20 in her Etsy store called Seventh Sphere. There you'll see many more handbags in her fresh, modern fabrics and beautiful workmanship. It's definitely worth a visit.

Check out the selvage with the Chinese writing (above). The Heather Bailey selvage looks distinctive too, like everything else Heather does. I like the zig-zag stitch done with variegated thread too. Nice job, Belinda!


  1. Thanks for the temptation - I bought it!

  2. Looks like that little cutie got snapped up! You can tell the workmanship is top quality.

  3. so sweet! I've been wanting to do something like it for a while.

  4. that's cute, I made one and posted on my blog the other day, different closure though

  5. I love it! I am really enjoying your blog. I made my first salvage item last week, a pot holder. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. just fyi--it's japanese (not chinese :-) cute purse--i think i'll try to make one too!
