Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quilts for Alzheimer's Patients

Jeffree Itrich at the University of California San Diego is spearheading a project to give lap-sized quilts to Alzheimer's research study patients throughout the USA. So far she has collected 600 quilts and she has recipients for a lot more! Jeffree lost her mom to severe dementia, and she says this project really warms her heart. Can you tell from the photo? She's a quilter too.

If you want to read more about this project, or to donate a quilt, click here. Another good article about the project can be found here.


Take a look at Nancy's wonderful selvage quilts on her Flickr page. And what a treasure trove of quilty inspiration her page is! Nancy lives in PA so you know she's enjoying some good quilting weather.


  1. I'm glad I checked out the Flickr page, her quilts are gorgeous.

  2. I think quilter's have the biggest hearts.

  3. Wonderful! Did you by chance get my latest entry of a sewing caddy I made? Let me know!

  4. Thank you for the information about the Alzheimer quilt project. What a wonderful idea. Alzheimer's is something that will touch all of us in one way or another.
