Sunday, February 13, 2011

Textbooks and Zippers

Yesterday was our Empire Quilter's guild meeting at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. They have a Barnes and Noble/school bookstore on campus and I stopped in before the meeting to have a look around. This is what you see when you check out, a beautiful display of zippers! I majored in Finance at UConn in the early seventies and I never knew that anyone was having this much fun in college!
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  1. It's a VERY cool display....were they actually selling them? If so, what are college students using them for?? Thx-Kathy (Oregon)

  2. You are right. Those business courses were for the birdies. I should have taken ART! LOL. But that is what I thought would make me a millionaire! LOL.


  3. Kathy,
    The zippers were for sale. I guess the students make clothing in some of their fashion courses. I'll ask someone for more details the next time I'm there.

  4. I never saw anything that cool in the book store when I went to college.

  5. Wow, that is my kind of bookstore!!

  6. I wish those were all hanging on my wall!!

  7. I miss those meetings now that I no longer live in NYC. But I'll come for the quilt show and maybe check out this B&N, which I think must be new.
