Monday, February 28, 2011

Welcome March!

It doesn't look like this yet in my part of the world, but I'm ready! I spent today working on my quilt room. Not quilting, but going through boxes and organizing things. I'll show some photos soon. I found a surprising quantity of quilt tops. Maybe it's time to turn them into quilts.


  1. Wow! Are those California poppies? I love those trees! Gorgeous! I think I want to BE there!

  2. This picture makes me want to breath deeper! Ahhh.. Thank you!

  3. On facebook, I'm a member of a group of quilters called Rainy Day Quilters. One of the objectives is to finish old projects. It's really inspiring to see what people have to finish and then see them being finished!
    I'm looking forward to spring too. While we haven't had much snow, we've had plenty of rain and cold weather.

  4. I feel like the entire country is waiting for a day with a view like this! I know I can't wait.

  5. We have pink and white trees already and today I even saw a magnolia in full bloom. I'm worried because it's supposed to be quite cold tonight and I don't want all the flowers to end too soon!
