Thursday, March 24, 2011

Antique Applique Quilt

This stunning applique quilt is from Stella Rubin Antiques. I wonder if the quilter started by making the four flower and vase panels, then thought of the awesome sashing later. It looks like possibly more than one person worked on this quilt because some of the shapes are neater than others. Do you think she (they) liked how it came out? I do. It was well cared for and not used much judging by it's good condition. It was found in California but probably made in the South around 1920. It measures 68" x 80." Don't you wish this quilt could talk?


  1. Gorgeous! Wouldn't it be wonderful if they talked?

  2. The red inside sashing really makes this quilt! Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  3. Oh wow, what an amazing quilt. If that quilt could talk, I am sure it would have some wonderful stories to share.

  4. Beautiful. I love it too.

  5. Must have look very interesting laying on a bed with the vases, I assume, hanging down and the flowers on top.

  6. Beautiful quilt, the colors are lovely! I was wondering why the vases were sideways till I read June's comment. It would lie nicely on a bed made that way.
    thanks for sharing it!

  7. It's beautiful. I love the quirkiness about it. Gotta make a 2 color quilt one of these days!

  8. Yes, it would be great if quilts could talk. I love the informal nature of a formal design. I would agree about being made in the rural south. Wonder if the maker saw a quilt or quilts she liked and then went home and made her own. Do you think that at first she meant to have the stripy part be a border around the quilt, but liked it as sashing instead. Bonnie

  9. Beautiful quilt. Are you back officially now? If so, welcome back.

  10. It looks so quirky and modern, stunning
