Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Aslan is on the Move - TQS Giveaway Winners

If you've read C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia," you'll remember that for a long time it was always winter and never Christmas. When winter finally broke they knew that the power of the white witch was ending and Aslan was on the move. That's what it felt like Sunday afternoon here in Litchfield, CT. It warmed up and we could see patches of grass. This is North Street where I like to go for walks. The houses date from the 1820's and it looks like these massive trees do too.

The winners of The Quilt Show membership giveaway are:
1. Samelia's Mum from Wollongong, NSW, Australia and the Samelia's Mum blog.
2. Sharon from Washington, and the Indigo Threads blog.
3. Quilt Rat from Ontario, Canada, and The Quilt Rat blog.

Congratulations! Book giveaway coming soon so stay tuned.


  1. Oh my - what a glorious place to go for walks. One day I will see snow, one day. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I love TQS :-)

  2. I love the Chronicles of Narnia and from the photo, I can imagine Aslan coming from just around the bend in the sidewalk.

  3. Looks like my kind of walking area! I live in RI and walk around Brown Univ. and RISD on my lunch break - lots of gorgeous old homes to gaze at - which is when I trip on a root growing up through the sidewalk from not watching where I'm putting my feet :-)

  4. I enter the odd giveaway, thinking the prize might be something I'd like.......but this was one that I was really hoping to win......so I was thrilled to learn that I am one of the winners. There is just so much to see, do and learn and I am loving every bit of it.
    Thank you SO much

  5. I think I'm going to have to echo Quilt Rat here! I seldom enter giveaways and never win when I do, so I was thrilled to learn I won this one!! Whoo hoo!! This is just awesome. Thank you!! I will really enjoy this prize.

  6. First, that photo with the tree is beautiful! Also, that passage in the LWW is one of my very favorite literary passages ever. We had a very snowy winter in the mid-1990's and things were frozen for a very long time. After a couple of days thaw, I took my young son to a nearby field where a brook runs through some trees. We just stood in the middle for a bit and closed our eyes and listened to the sound of the water running and the feel of deep but melting snow and then I read that part of the story to him. It was magical -- mainly for me.

  7. Congratulations to The Quilt Show gift certificate winners. I hope you enjoy TQS, it's a great community. I remind everyone that membership to TQS is free, it's the shows that require a paid membership. There is much to see and learn there without paying a penny!

    Karen, thanks for the reminder about the "Chronicles of Narnia". What wonderful books. Your photo does look so much like I imagined when reading that particular book. I certainly can imagine Edmund eating Turkish Delight in that yard beyond the fence.

    How fortunate you are to walk in a neighborhood where there is so much history! In the city where I live, not one building is older than about 45 years.
