Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Computer is on its Last Leg

I'm going computer shopping and will be back online as soon as possible. I'm so behind on emails and posting your selvage projects but I'll catch up.

Other than that, all is well. Spring is coming. Everybody's okay. I'm stoked from the recent quilt retreat. Haha.


  1. Can I recommend an iMac? I love my computer and don't think I will ever go back to a PC. Happy hunting! You have been missed.

  2. When my computer died, I went to a computer repair guy, told him what I wanted and he built a computer to my specifications. It was about 1/2 the price of the box stores where you get what is on the shelf.


  3. that video was pretty funny ~ they were so serious that for a moment I thought it was a real news story. Then I saw that it was Onion News. hahahaha!
    Good lucky computer hunting ~ might I suggest a Mac? they are the best!

  4. Let's all take a moment to be "Stoked" ! ! ! !

  5. Definitely with Nancy... GO APPLE!!

  6. Good luck, Karen! We'll be out here waiting for you!

  7. I forgot to say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day to you! I hope it was a green day for you!
