Thursday, April 21, 2011

Would you like to visit the cafe with me?

Let's have a seat and view the scene from the comfort of our table. Wasn't this a wonderful gift that Joanna Rose gave to quilters (and maybe future quilters like the little girl in the foreground)?

I can imagine someday hearing her say "When I was little I saw an exhibit that inspired me to make my first quilt." Do you think there will be a renewed popularity of red and white quilts? Are you planning to make one?

You know the feeling you get in early winter when you go outside and discover that it's snowing big fluffy flakes? It's quiet and the lighting is beautiful. That's what it was like for me.

Happy 80th birthday Joanna Rose!! Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I think I'll send her a note telling her how much we enjoyed it.


  1. Yes happy birthday Joanna, what a wonderful gift she gave us all.

  2. Thank you so much for all the photos you have shown us!!!

  3. Thank you so much, Karen. It was such a pleasure to view. I think a red and white is on my list.

  4. I wish that I could have gone to see the quilts in person but your "quilt show" on the Selvage Blog certainly made me feel like I was there! Thanks for taking all of us to the show with you. Gail

  5. I think the red and white quilts display is the most beautiful I've ever seen, not just the quilts but how they are actually displayed and lighted.

  6. I have loved this show! Thank you so much.

  7. To answer your questions, yes, yes, yes and yes!

  8. I have been planning on making a red and white quilt for over a year. Been collecting fabrics. Red and white are so warm and inviting. Happy Birthday to Joanna!

  9. I do hope you send her a note because even though I'm in the UK I still have been able to enjoy this show.

    But my note to you is thank you very much for letting my enjoy what you have enjoyed and sharing your opinions and feelings about it - it has given me a taste of what you so obviously relished! Thank you Karen

  10. Those pictures are something! I love the second one best, but they are all very nice.

  11. YOU have the most stunning photos I've seen of this show!! Maybe others used the darn flash too much. Wow - the way they are all lit up... in a dark room. They just glow!! Thank you for posting these!!

    My second quilt ever was a red & white redwork quilt for my daughter, based on a Canadian children's story book. I love red & white!

  12. Thank you so much for letting me 'go to the show'. I just love how the room is really quite dark and all of the available light is only illuminating the quilts. An unique, inspired hanging, for sure.

  13. I cannot thank you enough for posting your photographs of this amazing exhibit. It has been wonderful to tour the show through your eyes.
    A red and white quilt has been on the horizon for some time (I've collected enough red fabric for several quilts)but now more than ever I am itching to start on one. Which design to choose......

  14. Is is over....more, more,more...I can't wait for the book and would love to know the schedule of where the exhibit will be traveling to.

  15. Oh, and yes, thank you so much for sharing with us and happy birthday Joanna, and yes I will be making several red & white quilts coming up. I've always loved them for years and years.

  16. I am thinking of making a red and white quilt! Thank you for taking the time to share all of these wonderful photos with us. It is an amazing experience to read your posts - I can only imagine what it would have been like to really be there. Thank you!
