Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amazing Bindings

Here are two quilts from the exhibit at the American Folk Art Museum with edges that just blew my socks off! The Dresden plate below has a double scalloped edge.

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  1. What "blows my socks off" even more, is these were done by women who did not have the kind of tools we have now to make their edges. On the dresden, how did she plan it to come out so perfect? Maybe a pattern...maybe just really good with math & shapes. Who knows. It just gives me so much appreciation for the ingenuity of my "fore-mothers" of quilting.

    Deb from ClutteredQuilter.blogspot.com

  2. Thanks for the posting. I am just about to finish all the blocks for my dresden plate quilt and had no ideia how to do the border... I think I may consider doing something like this!Thanks

  3. I agree, totally amazing! Especially the dresden binding!

  4. I agree with Deb, they did it without all the great tools we have! They are beautiful and the quilting is pretty nice too!

  5. I love the colors of the wedding ring!

  6. Amazing! Thanks for noticing these and letting us see them!


  7. Not only were those quilts made by women who did not have our advance tools, they didn't have washing machines, dishwashers or microwaves! The quilting on them is amazing. Thanks very much, Karen.

  8. YUP...my socks are gone!! He, he, he

    How do they do that?

  9. I am officially going to have to make a double wedding ring.
