Monday, May 9, 2011

Signature Block for Victoria

Victoria Findlay Wolfe of Bumblembeans in New York City is making a signature quilt and this is my contribution. I had no idea it would look like this. It's more traditional and reserved than I expected, but I like it. I chose this font (Monotype Corsiva) in Microsoft Word, printed it on paper, then traced it using a fabric pen. She's collecting blocks until the end of this month. Take a look.

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  1. You are still under the influence of that red-and-white quilt show, I see! (Not to be interpreted as a bad thing). I especially like the background fabric. Hope you had a nice mother's day!

  2. I agree with Elisa... still under the influence! The block looks fantastic and she will love it!!

  3. great block. I cut a piece of that pink background fabric myself just this morning.

  4. I love how it came out, really nice block.
    I need to get my brain and gear and make mine before I forget.


  5. Could you tell me the name of the font? Love your block.

  6. The font is Monotype Corsiva. I added that to the post.
