Sunday, May 15, 2011

Soldier's Quilt

Yesterday after our guild meeting in New York City, Helen and I visited the American Folk Art Museum to see the second installment of their quilt exhibit. It was wonderful. This is one of my favorites. It's said to have been made by a soldier (around 1854-1890), probably in the US, the UK or Canada. That's really narrowing it down!

This type of quilt is known as a military quilt or a Crimean quilt. Most examples are found in Great Britain where recuperating soldiers made them out of wool used in the making of military uniforms. The wool seems to be felted. The workmanship is very precise, the colors are rich, and the design is stunning.

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  1. Beautiful workmanship. Quilting has been therapy for as long as we can remember. :o)

  2. I wonder where it has been all this time to be in such great condition.
    Lovely...thanks for sharing Karen, I envy you your great company at the museum :0).

    Happy Sewing

  3. That is an incredible quilt Karen. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Que maravilla!!! Es impresionante!!!

  5. It is wonderful!!! Beautiful workmanship.

  6. Thank you, Karen, this is beautiful! You show us so many treats and unusual things. I never know what to expect!
