Monday, June 27, 2011

Prairie Peasant's Selvage Mats

 Take a look at what Laura of the Prairie Peasant blog (in Manitoba, Canada) is making! She's cutting up her scraps and making colorful coiled mats. Some are even made with selvages, as you can see below. Take a close look and you'll see some of the writing and color dots on the selvages. Isn't her photography beautiful?

Laura's daughter thinks these make nice hats! Haha. Kids keep our lives very interesting!

Laura has two Etsy stores: Prairie Threads and Prairie Peasant. She sells the coiled mats for only $10 (US) on Etsy. Laura also sells repurposed old hardcover books which have been refilled with blank pages to be used as journals. What a great idea. I remember those old books: The Bobsey Twins etc.

You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter. Laura, I'd like to know where you get all your energy!


  1. Looks like a great thing to do with scraps!

  2. That looks like a fun and great way to use the scraps. :) I have tons of scraps. hehehe.. Thanks for sharing!

    Adin B

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I have added the shop as a favouite. Would make great gifts

  4. Thanks so much for the feature today Karen! I'll post a link to your blog from mine too.

  5. Hi Karen: I'm the proud owner of that selvage mat, since Laura gave it to me for my birthday. I also own some of her lovely journals. Laura's very talented and creative, as you have noticed.

  6. I really like those and how they sew up.
    Think that is something i would like to try.

