Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reunion Quilt Top is Done

Remember the reunion on Saturday that I told you about? Well one of our neighbors, Judi, is moving to Arizona next week, so I asked everyone to write a message on a quilt block for her, and here is the quilt top. (She wasn't at the reunion, and she doesn't read my blog, so this will be a surprise.) Here are some of the messages below.

Judi is so funny and she has a laugh that is very contagious. When they were little, she and my sister Eileen clipped a whole bag of clothes pins in their hair! I'll have to find that hilarious photo for you.


I'm sure you recognize the rectangles from my recent "Tracks" and "Summer Paths" quilts. Having all the pieces cut really helped this project go fast. I'm wondering if I should put any batting in this quilt since it will be living in Phoenix, not a place where you need extra warmth! Whaddyathink?

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  1. How about just a layer of flannel between the top and back? That might be just the ticket for a nap in an air conditioned home! This is really fun - I bet she'll just love it!

  2. I think nights can be chilly in the winter so a light cotton batting would probably be fine. What a great going away gift. You are a super friend!

  3. It can get crisp during winter evenings in the desert and this will be a wonderful treasure to snuggle under.

  4. Just a fabulous quilt that she will treasure forever!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a wonderful gift for your friend! I think a soft, thin batting is always good for a quilt to cozy up with.

  7. I think she'll love it no matter how you finish it.......what a great quilt filled with memories and love.

    Happy sewing

  8. Phoenix does get hot, but what's a home without quilts.....just a house......:)

  9. Hi there! I would recommend a very light cotton batting. Living here in the Middle East and the current weather sizzling in at 117* easy before noon; well, we use the AC a LOT and love our light quilts. I use Dream Cotton. Hope this helps!
