Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Selvage Family

Do you read Riel Nason's blog called The Q and the U? You've seen some of her fabulous selvage quilts here. She has the snowman quilt and the orange sampler on her sidebar. This is her new header; isn't it clever?

Riel has a book coming out in September called "The Town that Drowned." 


  1. Karen, You rock! What a nice surprise to see this! I check your blog each morning as I drink my coffee. The book isn't in preorder yet, but I will be sure to post about it on my blog when it is. Thanks so much for mentioning it. I'm very proud of the novel and we are all really excited about it here. Cheers, Riel

  2. I'm a HUGE fan of Riel. She does the most amazing rock-star things with her selvages!

  3. I can't believe that she is a fairly new quilter!
    Love her creative blog and check in there often.

    I'll be checking out that book too!

    Happy Sewing
