Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Selvage Mug Rug

Sandra Shigeno from North Carolina writes:
"This mug rug is something I made for our local librarian, using selvages as the titles for the books on the "shelf." I've been collecting possible book "titles" from selvages for a while and hope to make a whole bookcase full sometime."

That is such a good idea! Thanks, Sandra.
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  1. What a great idea. It looks wonderful too.

  2. Una idea muy original, me gusta para hacerlo.

  3. That's such a cute idea! I visit our local library at least once a week, I will make some for the terrific people there, thank you for featuring this, Karen!

  4. Hermosa idea!! Me gusta mucho...gracias!

  5. I love this. And it is small enough to complete quickly. Now I'm looking for book titles in my selvages.

  6. Congratulations on such a lovely and creative way to extend the shelf life of memories!
