Monday, July 25, 2011

Improv House Quilt From Norway

This quilt is featured on Anne-Grethes Quiltblog.  It was part of a fund-raising event sponsored by her quilt group in Norway to benefit a school and a hospital. They also donated quilts for kids. Isn't this a clever liberated house quilt? The pattern is by Buggy Barn. The combination of high and low contrast areas is striking. Great trees too.

Another Norweigan quilt blog that I like is Abyquilt, May Brit's blog. You may want to leave some hugs in connection with the recent tradgedy there. So much suffering, very sad.


  1. Maravillo el quilt y maravilloso el proyecto!!!!!
    Voy a visitar su página

  2. I have just finished making the same quilt for my bed! It is a pattern by buggy barn, I love the houses too.It is nice to see the quilt made up in different colours.I did mine in Kansas Troubles fabrics, pop over to my blog if you would like a peep.

  3. Thanks, Leanne for telling me who designed the pattern. I'll add it to the post.

  4. What a beautiful quilt, and for such a worthy cause. I did visit her blog, very nice.
    It is so hard to take in the scope of the recent tragedy in Norway...we like in such dangerous times. This attack in particular is just so senseless, so sad.

