Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Martina's New Selvage Spiderweb Quilt

This fabulous selvage spiderweb quilt was made by my friend and quilter/lawyer Martina Odenthal of Cologne, Germany! And there she is in the photo above. The longarm quilting was done by her friend Brigitte who also chose the perfect backing for this quilt. What a great idea to quilt the spiderweb design in the white areas. Their quilting buddies contributed selvages for this big quilt. Beautiful job!

See more photos on Martina's blog Stufen Zum Gericht.


  1. So great. I just love a quilt like this that you can examine carefully for hours looking at every little bit. And yes, the spiderweb quilting definitely adds to the beauty.

  2. Fabulous quilt, I so love spiderweb quilts, have just started one of my own, but will be a while until its finished

  3. Gorgeous. This quilt is on my "to do" list!

  4. Wonderful--love the backing and the spiderweb quilting--a perfect combination!

  5. Dear Karen,
    thank you so much for theese heartwarming words on my quilt! I'm proud, that you're showing it on your blog. Hugs from Martina

  6. Stunning! Let's all go over and visit Martina and see it :0)!

    Happy sewing

  7. That quilt is amazing. I've been saving my selvages to do one like it. May take a while longer to gather them all up though!

  8. Wonderbar! That's a beautiful quilt! I love seeing how selvage use is catching on all around the world.
