Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mini Bookshelf Quilt with Selvages

June Calender of Cape Cod, MA was inspired by the recent bookshelf selvage quilts shown here and she made this charming little (6" x 7") quilt for a swap. June liked doing a project that she could finish in a few hours, including the hand quilting. Most of her quilts are pretty big. June used to be a member of my guild, Empire Quilters in New York City. We miss her.


  1. very nice work!! congratulations!!

  2. I love these quilts. Thanks for posting pictures. They are inspiring me to do one. So clever!

  3. Cute. It is nice to do something small for a change. I have been learning to make letters, one a day...Quilts don't always have to fit beds!

  4. June does fantastic things on that sewing machine. She says
    she can't paint, well she certainly painted a wonderful piece with her talent. I just love it.

  5. What a great idea to use the selvage titles for the books. I'm saving this idea!

  6. Great idea! I hope I am her swap partner.:)

  7. I love this. Want to make one too!
