Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Susan's Selvage Coins Quilt

This lovely selvage coins quilt was made by Susan in Pennsylvania. Her blog is Hanging On by a Needle and Thread. I like all the soft colors paired with the solid green. And look at all that cross-hatch quilting! Nice job, Susan!

Thanks to Pokeytown Kim for alerting me to this selvage news.


  1. Another great idea for using selvages. Oh-my-gosh, there's not enough sewing time to do all I'd love to try.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! So glad to have the opportunity to see this lovely creation. Thank you.

  3. Chinese Coons is one of my all time favorite patterns, what a brilliant idea to do it with selvages. It is lovely, and the green is the perfect color. I better start cutting more selvages.....


  4. I love this quilt, such a peaceful and clean design. There is a scrappy Chinese Coin quilt waiting to be put together in my sewing room right now. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. What a great idea! I am slowly accumulating selvages...this would be a great "beginner" project for me..Thank you for posting it.

    Deb from

  6. love the selvage POV. so while using them in postcaRdS, coallge, and other "short attention span "
    art, i am happy to see them in MAss! LOVE THE LEFT OVERS...ER PLANNED OVERS! not enough selvages? but enough time to join them in a riot of JOY! aloha, sonja

  7. Thank you very much for the shout! I loved doing my little minis selvage coin - the best part is that you spend a lot selvage.

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