Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Junk Mail Selvage Quilt

This is my latest selvage quilt "Junk Mail." I used the new Envelope templates from Pat Yamin's Come Quilt With Me. She'll show this quilt to help promote her upcoming book Two Patch Scrap Quilts (published by AQS). The "all-selvage" blocks were made on muslin foundations. I really like the outer border on this quilt. It looks a little like a postage stamp edge. 

I can't stand pickles, but I really like that pickle fabric above. Did you notice that Eileen's quilt has pickles too? (See recent post.) Often after a fabric shopping trip we share our bounty.

If I could tweak this quilt a little, I'd make that "a" in "mail" a little less like an "o," but that's about it. If you see Pat vending at a quilt show, stop and say hi. She has tons of templates and other goodies. Here's her new book:


  1. So cute! Love seeing all the fun fabrics!

  2. I wish my junk mail were so colorful. It's really a fun quilt!

  3. Now that is some junk mail that will not land in the recycling bin!

  4. Ah, if only there were a way to turn junk mail into real fabric.

  5. You've made such an interesting little quilt! I like how I can study it and "read" so much in the prints and selvage words. You included an interesting assortment of prints - sort of I Spyish - and super selvages. This is an excellent sampling of your creativity. Marvelous! Thank you for sharing.

  6. So so FUN !!! I love all the little details in it.

  7. Oh that is just so much fun Karen.
    Terrific use of fabric.

    Ahhhh so many wonderful ideas so little time.....I better get back to machine!

    Happy Sewing

  8. This is so cute! I love the border!

  9. What a darling quilt! I love the way using selvages makes any design a "one of a kind"; your choice of selvages and prints are perfect! The new book is going on my wish list!

  10. This looks more like beautiful mail. So colorful and pretty, but I guess it would take Way Too Many letters to spell out beautiful. I love it.

  11. I loved the idea, it is so pretty quilt with lovely fabrics. Thanks for sharing...

  12. This is an adorable selvage quilt. So much fun discovering all the different fabrics you used.

  13. What a great little quilt! I love the postage stamp-looking border, too.

    I saw you have a sidebar "funniest thing someone said about your quilts" feature. A friend of my husband once asked me how long it took me to knit a quilt.

  14. What a fun and happy quilt - how creative! love it.

  15. Tus trabajos son preciosos, te felicito por ellos
