Saturday, September 17, 2011

Japanese Selvages

Japanese fabrics have the best selvages! The new Moda fabrics are outstanding too. These will really jazz up our selvage quilts.

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  1. I have one with little coloured ants on it - my favourite !

  2. So cool! Now if I can just figure out how to sew these together so they look good, I would be happy!

  3. They know that some of us like the selvages as much as the fabric!!!!

  4. Where can I get some of these selvages???

  5. The little icons in lieu of dots are the funnest! I just got some bats on a halloween piece yesterday.

  6. Just lovely. I haven't found any yet, BUT I will keep looking. ( mine have just got words( brands ) and round circles of the pallette used.
    Maybe I haven't been buying enough new fabric!

  7. You are right. Very cute stuff!!!

  8. Seriously cute! Looks as if fabric manufacturers are finally realising we don't all cut off and toss out out salvages. Let's see some competition among them for really innovative selvage designs now.

  9. I must admit, I have bought fabric because of the cute selvage. I've also bought more yardage of a fabric to make sure I get a whole selvage pattern. Hahaha!

    Please do tell us what fabrics these oh so cute selvages came from!!!!

  10. What the heck is the website? Cosmo...what?
