Monday, July 9, 2012

Killer Whale Submarine

This is a personal submarine that looks like a killer whale. See the interior below. If you push and pull on the levers at the same time, you can do rolls and flips. My DH would love this. It only costs $100,000. That's cheaper than spending a week in the space hotel that you saw here recently. I'm just sayin.'  Read more here.

Thank you to JoAnne from California for sending my this link.


  1. Really until they make one that I can set my sewing machine up in I'll hold onto my pennies!

  2. You can buy a lot of fabric for $100,000!

  3. Toys for the rich boys. I suspect many quilters would rather by a top of the line sewing machine, build a nice studio with view and have more than a momentary thrill pretending to be a whale.

  4. I truly want one of these!!! Thank you and here's hoping for a lottery win...
