Thursday, February 14, 2013

Escher Cartoon

My sister Eileen sent me this. I think it's from the New Yorker magazine. Haha!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. I love Escher's work. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Yes, it was in the New Yorker -- I thought, hmm, sometimes my quilting lines look a little like that.

  3. It took me a minute, but now I get it! There was a wonderful exhibit of Escher's work last year at the Akron Art Museum which I viewed otherwise I would have never figured out the cartoon! I am in construction and was wondering why those iron workers are not tied off? LOL!

  4. And a happy Valentinesday to you too.
    Greetings Janny Schoneveld

  5. I love this cartoon! My recently deceased son loved Escher so this post made me smile. Thank you for that.

  6. so funny!
    I'm moving your way this spring. My husband will be working at WTNH in New Haven.
    Maybe you can suggest quilt shops or guilds?

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