Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thin Sticks, a Modern Quilt

Today I'm finishing "Thin Sticks." There's a long narrow scrap of gray in the upper right corner showing what the binding will look like. The outer edge looks like a blanket stitch, doesn't it? 

This quilt is fun to make. Lots of improvisation. Depending on the order you add the sticks, they look like they are in front of, and behind each other. More details soon!

We're having perfect quilting weather. The wind is howling and there's a crust of ice on everything. Can't do anything but sew, right?


  1. this looks cool in white. I made a red one last summer.

  2. Oh I like it, is this a free pattern someplace?

  3. I love this one! It is a "simply" "happy" quilt. :)

  4. The white is just right. The improve feeling is light and happy. And the border is also exactly what was needed to give it focus. Love that quilt!

  5. At first it reminded me of fun party straws.....then I remembered playing pick-up-sticks as a kid.....AWESOME! I love the border/binding effect like big fat blanket stitches.....perfect! So fun!

  6. Love it!
    But . . . great minds think a like!
    I am emailing you my kisses quilt!

  7. This is a great quilt! Today so far is has snowed, then the sun came out, now it is snowing sideways. Here in Ohio we say give it 15 minutes and the weather will change!

  8. Fresh and fun. Reminds me of the sticks quilt in Gwen's and Freddy's book.
