Thursday, March 7, 2013

Help Dig a Well, Maybe Win a Quilt

My friend Pam in Tennessee put her heart into this big hand-quilted quilt! She was making it for her Dad. He's in a nursing home now and wouldn't enjoy this big quilt, so Pam came up with a great idea. Raise funds to dig a well in Africa and give the quilt to one of the lucky contributors! She's planning to raise $7,000.

Take a look at her blog post and consider a donation. Drawing is at the end of March.

Also, please share this info on FB, Pinterest, etc.

P.S. Isn't this quilt gorgeous? Years ago, Pam won the Workmanship award for quilting at the TN State Fair. And she has her own sheep for spinning wool, and she home-schools...Pam is one amazing lady!

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