Saturday, March 23, 2013

What's a Lucinda Chair?

 Lucinda from Septemberbird has a Chair quilt in this book:

 Quilters have had a lot of fun with this! Take a look at all the Lucinda Chair quilts on Google

Here's one from mamacjt just to whet your appetite! Check out that quilting in the white background!

I'd like to see the Septemberbird blog, but it's by invitation only. You need a password. I've never heard of that before. 


  1. Such darling little quilts! Thanks for showing us.

    Regarding the password and invitation to a blog, I was just looking at a quilter's blog this morning. She had said that she had numerous spam comments posted that she had some Google word or something turned on. I can't remember what it was called. Anyway, I posted a comment and it wasn't "posted" while I was reading blog. It's the creepy (sometimes but not often) world we live in. Maybe I should say, "It's the creeps in the world we live in!"

  2. LOve this....another thing to try to get made...a chair quilt. Thanks for the inspiration.
