Monday, May 20, 2013

Siddis Quilt and Oleander Girl Book

This quilt was part of an exhibit at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco. It was made by Siddis women. Their ancestors came from Africa beginning in the 1500's and settled in western India. Their  traditions are a combination of Indian and African.

See the close-up photo below for a good look at the dense quilting. 

Last night I finished reading "Oleander Girl," a novel by Chitra Divakuruni. It takes place mostly in Kolkata, India around 2002. It is a very engaging story and full of the sights and fragrances of India. I recommend it for all ages.


  1. That is some intense quilting! Beautiful!

  2. Both are gorgeous and very inspiring! Thanks.

  3. I just love these quilts! Thank you so much for showing them. Hopefully there is an exhibition catalog...

  4. Fascinating quilts -- and the stitching is amazing.

  5. I saw that exhibit and LOVED it! I was disappointed that they wouldn't let me take photos, but I adored the workmanship and color and reuse of materials. Very inspiring! Thanks for reminding me of that fantastic exhibit and those gorgeous quilts.
